


  • 13
  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 河北省 沧州 青县 青县双庄科开发区西大街1号
  • 姓名: 长城机械
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:机械 其他行业**设备
  • 发布日期:2012-04-12
  • 阅读量:121
  • 价格:88.00 元/个 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:88.00 个
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:河北沧州青县  
  • 关键词:工程塑料拖链,链节,自动化仓库,增强尼龙,坦克链


    您现在的位置:长城机械首页 >拖链系列> 工程塑料拖链系列
    弯曲半径:选择内置电缆、油管、气管、水管等中较大的弯曲半径作为参考值,并留有10%以上的空间,拖链内置电缆、油管、水管、气管的放置原则。 应该留有15%的剩余空间,让内置电缆、油管等可以自由活动,在半径方向上对拖链不产生拉力。直径差别大的导线应该分开铺设,重量平均分布,必要时可用分隔片分开。在高速或高频率运行时,要尽量使导线在水平上相互分开,不要使之相互叠置,在电缆、气管、油管等较多的时候建议使用分隔片。 
    Usage :
    Characteristics and Applications of Drag Chains 
    The product can be used for such locations where repciprocating motions are required so that internally installed cables, oil pipes,gas tubes and water tubes can be draged and protected.Each joint of the chain can be opened up so as to facilitate repairsand maintenance. It gives low noises and is of anti-wearing whilerunning. It can also be operated under high speed.The drag chains have already extensively used in digital-controlledmachine tools, electronic equipment, machinery for stone industry,machinery for glass industry, machinery for doors and windows,moulding injectors, manipulators, lifting and transport equipmentand automatic warehouses, etc. Construction of the drag chains 
    The appearance of the chain looks like the crawler of a tankconsisting of certain mumber of joints. The joints of crawler arefreely turned round.The same series of chain has same inner height and out height andsame pitch but the inner height and bend radius R can be made per different specifications.A unit chain joint is consisting of a left-right chain plate and a updown cover. Each chain joint can be opened up so as to facilitate assembly and dismantal without threading. Cables, oil pipes and gas pipes can be put into the drag chain after the cover plate is opened. Spacers are available for use, which are able to divide the space inside the chain into divisions according to requirements. Basic parameters of drag chains 
    Material: reinforced nylon. It can stand with high pressure and has good tensile strength, toughness and elasticity, wearing and flamable resistance. Resistances: It is oil and salt resistant.Operating speed and acceleration: Max. operating speed is 5m/sec. and max. acceeleration is 5m/sec. ( specfic speed and acceleration depends on specific situation ).Service life: Under normal conditions, 5 million reciprocating motions can be reached ( which is also related to the operating conditions.) Principle for selecting drag chains 
    Inner height: Take the most thick piece of the internally installed cable, oil pipe, gas pipe or water pipe as the reference height plus 10% of the space height at least as the inner height Hi.If overlapping, take the overlapped height as the actual height.Inner width: Take the sum of the outside diameter of the thicker cables, oil pipes, gas pipes or water pipes as the reference of the inner width and leave at least 10% of the space as a margin.Radius of a bend: Take the biggest radius of a bend of a cable, oil pipe, gas pipe or water pipe as a reference value and leave 10 %of the space as a margin. Installation principles for internally laid cable, oil pipe water pipe or gas pipe: 
    15% of the space should be reserved as a margin so that the internally laid cables and oil pipes can move freely and there will not be any stress on the drag chains in the direction of radius.For those cables that are quite different in diameter, they shoud be laid separately and the weight should be balanced evenly. They can also be separated from one another by using spacers if necessary.When operating in high speed or high frequency, the horizontally laid cables should be in a parted way and should not be overlapped. If too many cables, gas pipes and oil pipes laid together, it is recommended that spacers be used. Installation for cable drag chains: 
    Put a screw driver vertically into the opening hole at both ends of the cover and then open the cover. Put the drag chain for cables and oip pipes according to the instructions provided. Put the cover back. Note that the fixed end and the moving end of a cable should be fixed by using a tension device.When used in a long sliding service, it is

    欢迎来到沧州长城机械制品有限公司网站, 具体地址是河北省沧州青县青县双庄科开发区西大街1号,联系人是长城机械。 主要经营公司主导产品有:工作灯、机床工作灯、防护罩、拖链、操作件、垫铁、波纹软管、机床冷却管、机床附件、机床钣金、电子机箱、铝制品压铸等系列产品。 单位注册资金未知。 我公司在机械产品领域倾注了无限的热忱和激情,公司一直以客户为中心、以客户价值为目标的理念、以品质、服务来赢得市场,衷心希望能与社会各界合作,共创成功,共创辉煌,携手共创美好明天!